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The 5 Daily Habits Of Successful Authors

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Would you like to learn the daily habits of successful authors?

Let us take a look at what are some of the daily habits that most successful authors follow.

I am a huge believer in daily rituals and habits and I believe that what we do on a daily basis is the sum total which reflects the quality of our overall life. Daily Rituals also apply to book writing since the overall quality of your book will be determined by the quality of your daily rituals.

Today, I will be sharing with you 5 daily habits of successful authors.

Author Pledge

An Author Pledge is a list of statements that acts as Affirmations. These empowering statements you need to remind yourself every single day will help you start your writing with the right mindset.

The perfect way to do this is to take all your limiting beliefs and rephrase them into empowering statements.

When you tend to limit yourself by believing that you’re a horrible writer and could never be a best-selling author replace that with an empowering statement such as, “Ah! I’m a world-class writer and a best-selling author!”

Below are several examples you can use to battle your limiting beliefs:

“I have a valuable message to share through my book!”

“I positively impact the lives of my readers!”

“I commit to writing every single day ‘til my manuscript is ready!”

Make sure to give your own “twist” to it to make it your own. 

Again, to put yourself in the right frame of mind before you begin your writing session, do not forget to read your Author Pledge every single day.


A Self Contract is a statement that you write to yourself and read to every single day to push you to finish or reach your goals. 

Usually, a Self-Contract would consist of the following:

  • Start with “I, (State your name)…”
  • The topic you’re writing about
  • Who you’re writing the book for
  • How your book is going to help them
  • The date when you plan to finish your manuscript
  • The date of publishing your book

Your Self-Contract will pretty much look like the statement below:

“I, (your name), is writing a book on (book topic/subject) which will help (target reader) by (your process/technique/system/program/etc).

I will be finishing my rough draft by (date) and I will publish my book by (date).”

Affix your signature to the bottom of your Self Contract, frame it or laminate it, and place it right beside your Author Pledge and in an area where it’s visible to you. 

When you read your Self-Contract together with your Author Pledge every morning or before your writing session, it will empower you and reconnect you with your purpose of writing the book.

Daily Writing Schedule

A mistake a lot of authors usually make is that they just start writing whenever they feel like it. They don’t follow a schedule and they don’t have their writing sessions on their calendar.

My suggestion to you is, for the next 30 to 60 days, block out time on your calendar which starts with at least 1 hour every day and ensure that your focus is towards your writing.

There are certain days you won’t feel like writing, that’s okay! Just be in your dedicated writing space during your dedicated writing hour. Your dedicated space for writing can be your home office or a corner in your room. Your dedicated writing space is where you do not just write your book but also allow your creative thoughts to flow.

Now, during your scheduled writing hour, your writing environment should be decluttered and the wifi turned off.

Make sure you schedule your writing time and respect it!

Writing Track Sheet

You may make progress every day but unless you track it, you really won’t know where you’re heading towards. What you can do is, open a spreadsheet and have columns for the following:

  • Date
  • Time
  • Word Count – How many words you were able to write for that hour
  • Which chapter does this Word Count belong to

This way, you can track your writing every single day. 

When you check your Track Sheet every single day, it will help bring you back to focus especially during days when you are most distracted. Ideally, you should have your Track Sheet on a physical board to follow or at least have it on a spreadsheet.


Not everyone is self-driven enough to achieve their goals, otherwise, you have finished your book writing by now or are simply signing books for your avid readers! 

Do not undermine the power of accountability!

You can have accountability in multiple ways. You can find yourself an accountability partner who is also writing their book. You can also make your book coach or angel writer your accountability partner who is surely knowledgeable about writing and who can regularly hold you accountable. Otherwise, you can choose to be a part of a community and find somebody from that community who can hold you accountable.

Once you have chosen or found your accountability partner, have a 5-minute connection with them every single day and let them know about your progress, where you find yourself stuck most of the time, and what sort of support you need. They may not be the expert but at least you have somebody to hold you accountable.

There you have it! Follow these 5 Author Success habits so that by making these habits your ritual, you can ultimately finish writing your manuscript.

By the way, I have an exciting announcement for you today! 

We have started a brand new Facebook group called Happy Authors’ Tribe!

This could be the community you’re looking for to help you:

  • Finish your manuscript
  • Publish your book
  • Learn new marketing strategies to promote your book 
  • and many more!

Not only will you meet other aspiring and published authors in this group, but I will also be doing a lot of live training inside this Facebook group.

Head over to Happy Authors’ Tribe and be a part of this amazing community! It’s FREE to join!

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