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Why your book will never bring you clients?

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If you think you’re going to magically convert all your readers into your clients for your business, then I’m sorry, you’re mistaken. That is never going to happen unless you follow the two methods that I’m going to be sharing with you today.

I see a lot of authors complain that although they’ve written the book, published it, and marketed it well, and even went on to become a best-seller, it’s just not generating leads for their business!

Now, who do you think is to blame for this? Definitely not your readers! 

Perhaps you’ve missed adding certain but crucial ingredients in your book to help convert your readers into your clients! I believe it would be unfair to assume that the readers will automatically know what are the next steps they should be taking after reading your book. However, you as the author have the power to plot which journey the readers should take after they read your book.

And this is how you do it.

There are two methods to do this. You can follow either of the two methods or you can do both of them.

Pull Method

With the Pull Method, you literally pull your readers from your book to your business. The way to do this is, throughout the book, you should plant the seed in the reader’s mind that you are the authority in that particular subject you’re writing about. The seed that you plant in your reader’s mind should give them that concrete understanding that it is you, and no one else, that they need to come to in order to get any progress in that particular area where they are struggling.

Here are some ways to do this effectively without sounding too “salesy”.

The “Hero’s Journey”

In your introduction, talk about why you are the right person to learn from. Be open to sharing your story about your “Hero’s Journey”. 

Because you had a tough phase in your life and you’ve overcome that challenge, let your readers know how you did it! Let them know who you are and what your journey was like. In this way, you are building that instant trust and credibility in the minds of your reader.

The Mission

The next thing that you can talk about in the introduction, and all throughout the book, is your mission. 

Now that you have achieved some results in your life, in your business, or career, tell your reader that you are on a mission to help a lot more people achieve the same results. 

When you talk about your mission, you create that kind of bond with the reader. They would be able to relate themselves to your story and will feel that connection with you, and that’s what’s important. 

Otherwise, what happens is, they read your book, it is great, but then they forget about you! They don’t take any action after that. But once they know what your mission is, they feel that they need to be a part of it, and thereby, work with you! So, do talk about your mission, as well.

The Program

The other thing you need to definitely talk about is your program. So if you’re a coach and you have this signature program, do mention that! 

Tell your readers what you teach in your program. 

Now and then throughout your book, mention your program so people know that there is this “next level” that they should aspire for after reading your book. If your company has a unique solution to a common problem, talk about that solution. Let people know what it is all about. If you’re a trainer, then talk about that 3-day retreat that you have at the end of every year. Let your reader know about what else you do other than writing books so that they create that goal of taking that next step along with you.

Case Studies

Another, important thing that you should have throughout the book is case studies. If you are somebody who’s produced results for yourself, then talk about that throughout the book. And if you are someone who has given positive results for someone else, take pride in talking about that, too.

You can cover these as interviews with your clients as case studies like how one would with testimonials. Let it look like a business brochure but at the same time, at the end of every chapter, if there is a story that is relevant to that chapter, feel free to share that. Not only do people love strategies, but they also love stories of people who have used those strategies. 

When you talk about people whom you have helped get effective results, that will make the reader also want to be one of your future case studies. So don’t shy away from sharing these success stories.

About the Author

Finally, we have the About the Author page. A lot of authors miss this out while most authors have this tiny little paragraph about them behind the book. Please don’t make these mistakes! 

Have a dedicated page called “About the Author” written in 3rd person as if somebody is introducing you, your company, the program that you have for your readers, and telling your readers how great you are and your mission, and how it helped a lot of people. Also, don’t forget to mention how people can reach you or how they can contact you. It can be through your website, email address, or a social media link.

So these are the different strategies under the Pull Method where you’re literally pulling the reader towards you.

Push Method

With the Push Method, you’re going to push more and more information to the reader and ultimately make them sign up for whatever you want them to sign up to.

What is a Reader Magnet?

The challenge with any big distribution platform such as Amazon is that they are not going to tell you who your readers are. Even if you sell a million copies, you are never going to know the names and the email addresses of the people buying your book. It is your responsibility to come up with a smarter way to gather these leads. The best way to do that, in my opinion, is to have a Reader Magnet inside your book.

A Reader Magnet is nothing but a free bonus. It’s more like a value-added that you give to the readers so that they don’t just forget about the book after reading it, instead they take that next step to get that extra bonus from you. 

I have a video explaining all the different types of lead magnets like cheat sheets and webinars, and all the things that you can possibly have on your book. Do check that video if you want to learn more about that. But for now, let me just explain how this works.

Give away something FOR FREE. It could be a downloadable PDF or anything similar that can help your reader take that next step and taste a small win. That’s it! Give that away FOR FREE inside your book.

How is this delivered? 

Deliver it through a Landing Page. 

Have a page inside your website where people can go and leave their name and email address to download your free bonus. Take that link to that particular web page and place it inside your book. Ideally, place it in multiple locations inside your book so that people don’t miss that opportunity. Have it right at the beginning of your book and at the end of the book, then have it pop up in multiple places inside the book whenever you’re referring to something related to that free bonus. This way, people won’t miss the chance of downloading that free bonus, thereby giving you their contact information. 

What do you do with this contact information? 

This information becomes a part of your email list and as a result, they’re going to get a lot more free bonuses from you! With that, they will take that next step in starting a conversation with you outside the book. This gives them a chance to continue the conversation related to the book but outside your book, if you know what I mean. 

Let them read your blog post, let them listen to your podcast, and let them watch your youtube videos. Keep sending them all this valuable free stuff so that, hopefully, in just after three or four emails, you can then come up with an offer such as a special limited discount. In fact, go that extra step in letting them know that you only have 3 spots left for your coaching program this month, or whatever you want to sell. Just don’t talk about that on your first email, rather on your fourth or fifth. 

As Gary Vaynerchuk said “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook”. Do the same thing! Value, value, value, and then sell! But for you to do all of these, you need to plant that Reader Magnet inside your book.

So this is the Push Method where you keep pushing more and more and MORE value to the reader until you give them something they will buy from you.

The Push and Pull Methods are the only ways to convert your readers into your clients. Otherwise, your readers will just read your book, it will make them feel good, it may even motivate them, but then that’s not going to get converted to revenue for you, the author.

Please use these methods in your book! 

If you already have a book that’s been published, go back and edit parts of the book to make sure that you plant all these important ingredients inside the book and then republish.

Let me know below in the comments as to what was your one big learning from this read. I read every single comment and reply, so make sure you do that!

Lastly, I have created a Free Facebook group for purpose-driven authors like you!

In this group, I will share all the tools, habits, and strategies that I have learned from helping more than 500 Authors publish several bestselling books, grow their business, and improve the quality of their life, which will absolutely help you too!


See you there and Keep Authoring!

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